How to Select the Best SIP Trunking Provider

Before the global embrace of cloud-hosted communication, nearly all voice connectivity took place over legacy phone lines. Today, business owners and IT decision-makers are turning to SIP trunk providers to meet their rapidly evolving telecom needs. With the demand steadily increasing, IT consulting firms, managed service providers (MSPs), wireless internet service providers (WISPs), and other…

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How to Explain SIP Trunk Channels to Your Customers

How to Explain SIP Trunk Channels to Your Customers

SIP trunking is a modern communication solution that provides efficiency, flexibility, and significant cost savings. Grasping the functionality of SIP channels, understanding their influence on business communication, and articulating this knowledge to your customers is critical in helping them understand the business-enhancing power of SIP trunking. Cloud-based communications are continuously growing due to the demand…

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How to Become a SIP Trunk Provider

SIP trunking platforms are one of the best modern workplace communication solutions available to businesses today. Business owners making the transition from legacy phone service to a cloud-hosted SIP trunking platform can save as much as 60% on their communication costs. This technology is known for delivering exceptional call quality and enabling an impressive number…

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How to Sell Direct Inward Dialing Services

In the days when businesses routinely had complex phone systems on traditional landlines, it was common to hire an operator to route calls to different extensions within the organization. Customers would call the main number and ask for the extension, person, or department they wanted to reach. The operator would then put the call on…

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How to Become a VoIP Reseller in Five Simple Steps

Voice over internet protocol (commonly, VoIP) is a cost-effective communication solution that transmits incoming and outgoing calls over a secure internet connection. The demand is so strong that market analysts predict the VoIP industry will surpass $278 billion by 2031. That’s a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.9%. With so many companies expected to…

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7 Reasons Every Telecom Reseller Should Offer SIP Trunking Services

The rising trend of remote workforces has shined a spotlight on telecommunication needs across the globe. Hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services are more widely accepted than ever. As a piece of evidence, the market value of SIP trunking services is estimated to hit more than $30 billion by 2027. That’s a pie big…

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voip server

How to Explain the Difference Between VoIP and SIP Servers

Before Understanding VoIP and SIP Servers, What Is a Protocol? When talking to customers, a genuine concern is intimidating small business owners with overwhelming technology terms. Yes, there is a cascade of IT, telecom and tech acronyms. But information technology, especially VoIP and SIP servers, doesn’t have to be complicated. This guide will help you…

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SIP vs. VoIP: Why is SIP Trunking an Upgrade to VoIP?

SIP and VoIP Are Not the Same If you’re involved in designing communication strategies for businesses, you’ve likely heard of the advantages of SIP over VoIP. While they both can optimize communication and save your clients money, these terms aren’t necessarily interchangeable. If there’s any confusion over these technical telecom terms, don’t fret! There are…

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What to Look For in a SIP Reseller Platform

SIP Reseller Platform: Basic Concepts If you are looking into joining a SIP reseller platform, you probably already know that SIP is an acronym for Session Initiation Protocol: digital signals that set up, connect and disconnect communication sessions, such as calls. SIP acts as a mediator between analog (traditional telephone networks) and digital (Internet-based) communication…

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sip certified

How to Get SIP Certified and Boost Your Career

Did you know 10,000 IT professionals believe that getting certifications makes them feel more confident in their abilities? SIP or session initiation protocol is one of the certifications that will help boost your confidence. SIP is a signaling protocol used to start, manage, and end sessions in an IP based network. Keep reading, and we…

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VOIP Reseller

I am going to show you how to become a VOIP reseller and make huge money from nothing. You are in the right place, here at we offer a completely free VOIP reseller panel. This is not going to cost you a single dime to get started, all we need is a few details…

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Why Use SIP Trunks

So why use SIP Trunks? Let’s find out how they can save you and your business huge amounts of money. I am also going to reveal how you can resell SIP Trunks with us to make big money. First of all, we offer the opportunity to make money reselling SIP Trunk services. If you are…

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internet phone service reviews

Internet Phone Services Reviews: Benefits of SIP Trunking

Internet phone service reviews reveal that 31 percent of businesses reduce their costs and increase productivity using internet phone services. Many businesses employ internet phone and related solutions. They prefer it because of the success over the years. In fact, research shows that many companies know SIP trunking to be the essential telephony system. A…

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SIP Trunking Services Are Going Global: Are You Prepared?

The SIP trunking industry is growing at a rapid 18.6 percent cumulative annual growth rate. According to Transparency Market Research, this market is expected to reach $20.7 billion is 2024. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP are the technologies used in SIP trunking. The demand for VoIP services has continued to rise. It equaled over…

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how voip works

This Is How VOIP Works and Why You Should Add SIP Trunking to Improve It

Chances are you’ve heard of VoIP (Voice over IP) as an alternative to traditional business phone lines that cost an arm and a leg. But have you ever wondered how VoIP actually works? As a successful business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to cut your costs and prioritize spending. You’re in charge of…

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what is a sip

You’ve heard of VOIP, But What is a SIP Trunk?

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, has become a popular alternative to traditional telecom solutions. By switching to VoIP, many businesses have been able to enjoy significant savings on their communications costs. To maximize efficiency, it is essential for businesses relying on VoIP to choose a protocol that can handle various multimedia connections. This is…

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Common SIP Trunking Questions Answered

SIP, or Session Information Protocol, is a protocol that IP networks use for various types of communication. It works for video, audio, messaging, and more, transforming the way modern businesses communicate with employees and customers. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed this protocol because IP communications have changed and have different needs than before.…

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sip rtp

Setting up Your Service: The SIP RTP Connection Explained

Even though statistics show that people make an average of 5 phone calls a day, you’re probably not thinking about what your phone has to do to make that communication easy and successful. Important protocols involved in calling your grandmother to tell her, “hello”, include SIP RTP. When setting up your service, it’s important to…

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SIP trunking vs PRI

SIP Trunking vs PRI: What Are The Major Differences?

For an industry based on communications, telecoms are chock full of acronyms. Many businesses are falling behind on technology. Some are struggling to stay technology relevant. Often, confusion is a barrier to enterprises who want to upgrade their IT. That’s why we’ve put together this guide. When it comes to SIP trunking vs PRI, you’ll…

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SIP trunking for businesses

SIP Trunking for Businesses: 10 Things You Need to Know

An increasing number of businesses have adopted SIP trunking in recent years. SIP Trunk providers have been happy to learn how this new communications system is cheaper, more effective, and saves your business time. But, first, you likely have a question: What is SIP trunking for businesses, anyway? SIP trunking is a technology that enables…

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Some Helpful SIP and Unified Communications Resources

We’re so happy that you are reading the blog and hope you come back often for more news, tips, tricks, and answers to your burning questions, but we know we’re not the only good resource for SIP trunking resellers, IT consultants and their customers. Here are several other awesome resources you can visit for…

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The Complete Menu of Telecom Reseller Product Offerings

If you are considering becoming a telecom reseller or if you are an established dealer looking to grow your business, you have many options. The rise of cloud computing and unified communications have created the ideal environment to build a strong recurring revenue stream and deep customer relationships. Every business is different and your customers…

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Solve Your Customer’s Fax Headaches for Good

Despite the fact that there are hundreds of ways to share documents online, faxing remains an important communication tool for many businesses. Heavily regulated industries including banking, insurance, law, and healthcare continue to rely on the fax machine for sending documents back and forth. You may very well have customers who see their need for…

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What is QoS and Why Does It Matter?

QoS is short for Quality of Service. It is a router setting that is critical to good quality audio over SIP trunks. To understand why it will make a big difference to your customers, it helps to think of your internet connection as a freeway. It is traveled by all kinds of cars going in…

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SIP Trunking FAQs

We get the opportunity to talk to people about SIP trunking every day. Some of our customers are very experienced telecommunication technology professionals, but many are IT consultants without much telco background who want to offer a voice solution to clients to strengthen their relationships and add revenue. We’ve compiled a list of the questions…

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Podcast: Everything You Wanted to Know about SIP Trunking

Join Kevin Gulley of The UC Buyer in his podcast with Steven Johnson, InGate North American President, as he discusses how to implement SIP trunking or, “everything you always wanted to know about SIP trunking but were too afraid to ask.” The UC Buyer podcast series talks with industry thought leaders about communications technology trends.…

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3 Red Flags to Look for When Considering Flat Rate Pricing

If you’re like many business owners, charging a flat rate for your SIP trunk services initially seems like a great pricing scheme: it’s easy to quote customers on projects, customers know up front what they are paying, and, if you work efficiently, you’ll come out ahead financially. As good as flat rate pricing seems, there…

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3 Security Flaws to Avoid When Provisioning a SIP Trunk

The same security concerns that you have for the data on your computer are the same ones that you should worry about for your SIP trunk. Toll fraud was a threat for traditional TDM trunks which also exists on SIP trunking. And since your SIP trunk is on an IP network it opens up the…

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How the Internet of Things (IoT) Affects SIP Trunking’s Future

“There is no one sector where the Internet of Things is making the biggest impact; it will disrupt every industry imaginable.” – Daniel Burrus of Burrus Research. Surely, the Internet of Things (IoT) will affect SIP trunking but, how? How about some background first. Resistance Is Futile The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect trillions…

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How to Find Number Blocks (and When You’d Need Them)

Businesses often need more than one phone number for a variety of reasons. With SIP trunks it’s easy to add blocks of numbers with Direct Inward Dialing or, DIDs. A DID is a dedicated phone number that allows you to receive calls directly from your VoIP IP PBX or analog PBX extension. With a DID…

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How to Keep Track of SIP Trunking Customers When Buying Directly has a new direct order functionality for dealers. In order to begin using the direct order functionality, you’ll first need to convert your demo trunk into a paid trunk (at a discount). Once you’ve done that, you can create orders that are automatically discounted directly from your dealer account (either for your own use,…

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When Two Trunks are Better Than One

The Importance of Redundancy in SIP Trunking We all love SIP because of its all-in-oneness. It serves as a total telecom solution for more and more businesses around the world, and its adoption is ever-increasing. However, there are situations where some may make the mistake of taking the “all-in-one” part a bit too literally, and…

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Benefits of Fax over IP

We love fax over IP, and we’re pretty sure you do too. Your customers, though? Sometimes they need some convincing. Switching to a different technology may rock their world a little bit. However, when they make the switch, they’ll begin to see plenty of both hard and soft benefits. To help get them interested, give…

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What is Fax over IP (FoIP)?

Do you have SIP trunking customers that are still addicted to old technology (think fax or dial-up internet). It’s time to encourage them to look into Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP). They’ll still be able to fax documents to clients or colleagues, but they avoid long-distance phone lines and other issues associated with traditional faxing. While…

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Help! My Customer Wants to Improve SIP Trunk QoS (Quality of Service)!

You’ve landed some customers, and have gone through all the necessary steps of getting their SIP trunk(s) properly set up. Everything is going smoothly for a while, then one of them comes to you and asks if you can help him improve the QoS (quality of service) that he’s currently getting. What do you do?…

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Free Softphones for use With SIP Trunking Services

Softphones are an affordable way for your customers to make and receive calls; all they need is a good internet connection, a computer, a headset, a microphone, and your SIP trunks. To ensure they have a successful experience, however, you may need to provide them some good options of softphone interfaces that work well. Here’s a list of…

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Only Using VoIP for Calls? Here’s What You’re Missing

  Years before SIP trunks, when kids were still allowed to play outside “until the street lamps came on,” there was VoIP. Intended originally to simply carry the sound of a person’s voice over the internet, it has since grown to do a whole lot more. Those with a passing familiarity with VoIP will be…

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How to Test a SIP Trunk Account

Once you’ve signed a new customer on to your services, making sure the service they receive matches what they expect is essential to keeping them. You don’t want them finding a problem with your system after all the setup is done and equipment is installed. To avoid potential system failures, you’ll want to

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Can SIP Trunks be Hacked?

We all can agree–the benefits of SIP trunking are endless; they’re inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to maintain. But with all the good, we have to accept some bad. SIP trunks, like most other internet systems, can be hacked. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or mitigate the possibility of hackers looking to exploit…

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The Basics of SIP Trunk Sales Series

Every now and again we get a great idea 😀 (Like unlimited SIP trunks with 20% monthly recurring commissions..) Get two of the most opinionated men in the industry together to talk about successfully selling SIP trunking. After all, nothing happens until something is sold.

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Clear the Confusion Between SIP Trunks and SIP Lines

The acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon in the telecommunications industry can make even the most well-informed IT professional dizzy. Just Google “SIP” or “SIP trunking” or “SIP trunking for dummies.” The hodgepodge of information on telecommunication blogs, wikis, and forums will leave your customers (and maybe even you) wondering why we can’t go back to the…

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SIP vs. PRI – What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between SIP and PRI? Let’s start with the definitions: PRI = Primary Rate Interface:  A popular digital telephone service delivered over T1 lines SIP = Session Initiation Protocol: A flexible protocol that enables use of Voice over IP (VoIP) services and one that you can easily expand and add features to. When…

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Bandwidth Requirements for SIP Trunking

You already know that SIP trunking allows businesses to save money on the cost of their phone service. It’s likely to be a primary reason that your customers are interested in SIP trunking. But before you go helping your customers make the switch, ensuring your customer has the right amount of bandwidth can save precious…

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SIP Trunking Costs Explained

There’s a good reason that SIP trunking is gaining popularity as the pipeline for business voice communication needs. That reason is cost. SIP trunking represents a large cost savings compared to Ma Bell carriers who have made it all too easy for their own customers to loathe them. Local telephone companies may not have a…

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