
Keeping you up to date on the latest SIP Trunking news, trends and technology.

Benefits of Fax over IP

November 24, 2015

We love fax over IP, and we’re pretty sure you do too. Your customers, though? Sometimes they need some convincing. Switching to a different technology may rock their world a…

What is Fax over IP (FoIP)?

November 18, 2015

Do you have SIP trunking customers that are still addicted to old technology (think fax or dial-up internet). It’s time to encourage them to look into Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP).…

Our Breakdown of The SIP School’s 2015 Industry Survey

November 16, 2015

You may or may not be aware, but everyone on the sales team at is SIP School certified. Keeping up on certs is a good way to keep your…

Help! My Customer Wants to Improve SIP Trunk QoS (Quality of Service)!

November 10, 2015

You’ve landed some customers, and have gone through all the necessary steps of getting their SIP trunk(s) properly set up. Everything is going smoothly for a while, then one of…

Free Softphones for use With SIP Trunking Services

October 29, 2015

Softphones are an affordable way for your customers to make and receive calls; all they need is a good internet connection, a computer, a headset, a microphone, and your SIP…

How to Qualify a SIP Trunking Customer

October 13, 2015

Qualifying Your SIP Trunking Customer If you’re relatively new to the world of reselling SIP trunks, you may be wondering how to properly qualify a potential customer. Many times, a…

Only Using VoIP for Calls? Here’s What You’re Missing

October 6, 2015

  Years before SIP trunks, when kids were still allowed to play outside “until the street lamps came on,” there was VoIP. Intended originally to simply carry the sound of…

How to Test a SIP Trunk Account

September 23, 2015

Once you’ve signed a new customer on to your services, making sure the service they receive matches what they expect is essential to keeping them. You don’t want them finding…

Can SIP Trunks be Hacked?

September 3, 2015

We all can agree–the benefits of SIP trunking are endless; they’re inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to maintain. But with all the good, we have to accept some bad.…

The Basics of SIP Trunk Sales Series

August 21, 2015

Every now and again we get a great idea 😀 (Like unlimited SIP trunks with 20% monthly recurring commissions..) Get two of the most opinionated men in the industry together…